Cancellation Policy (Online Purchase Only) -:
  • An order can be cancelled within 3 days of placing the same through our website ( or by sending an e-mail to "[email protected]".
  • Refund of monies paid against a cancelled order shall be made by cheque. Electronic transfers are not available currently.
  • Any request for cancellation beyond the stipulated 3 days shall be subject to the replacement policy.
  • Cancellations are exempt from the verification policy.
Replacement Policy  (Online Purchase Only) -:
  • The products being offered are handcrafted may vary slightly in physical appearance and upto +-10% in weight. Requests for returns or replacement will not be entertained for such variations.
  • Replacements shall only be entertained if the actual product along with the invoice for the same is returned to P.C Chandra Gems Private Limited at P-26B, C.I.T Road, Ground Floor, Kolkata-700014.
  • In the case of gemstones the customer must also provide the accompanying SGL/EGL/IGL certificate to initiate the replacement procedure. In case the customer fails to produce the accompanying SGL/EGL/IGL certificate the customer shall bear the re-certification cost of Rs. 500/- for gemstones and Rs. 3,000/- for Solitares.
  • A replacement shall only be processed upon successful verification. Please read the Verification Policy for further information.
  • A replacement shall be allowed free of cost when the company acknowledges that the product received by the customer is substantially different from the ordered product.
  • If the company is satisfied that any of the products sold have an inherent manufacturing defect, despite every precaution and rigorous quality control being undertaken, it shall be replaced free of cost.
  • Any complaint or replacement request shall be considered only if made within 48 (forty-eight) hours from delivery by communication through the registered e-mail address, mentioning Customer ID, Order ID, date and time of delivery and clearly and accurately describing the nature of the complaint. No complaints or requests for any replacement will be accepted or entertained after 48 (forty-eight) hours from the delivery of the goods ordered.
VERIFICATION POLICY  (Online Purchase Only) -:
  • If a product leaves our possession and is subsequently returned either for replacement and/or exchange it is subject to a verification process by our team of highly trained experts. The verification team inter-alia ascertains the genuineness of product returned and whether the same product has been returned.
  • The verification is free and except in cases where the accompanying SGL/EGL/IGL certificates are not provided. In case of re-certification of gemstones, a charge of Rs. 500/- is levied, and in the case of Solitares a charge of Rs. 3,000/- is levied.
  • The verification process usually takes 7 days to complete.
Refund Policy  (Online Purchase Only) -:

In the event, a customer wishes to cancel an order in terms of our cancellation policy or opts to not replace a returned item as stated above, a refund may be initiated.

  • A refund can only be initiated if the goods are returned to the company at “P-26B, C.I.T Road, Ground Floor, Kolkata-700014”, and verified as stated above.
  • A refund usually takes 10 to 15 days to process.
  • All refunds shall be done by Account Payee Cheques in the name of the customer and none other…
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